Brennan Motorsport Machining & Fabrication
Finished up a proper race grade Electric water pump assembly that provides a high water flow and a low Amp draw and of course more HP at the rear wheels. Testing will be at Hampton Downs in May for last round of the 2024 season. All tests so far look good.
The unit is controlled via PDM module using speed, voltage and temperature.
Alloy Race heads before and after repairs and beryillium seats recut. These heads are no longer produced and had expensive CNC porting so well worth a quality repair.
Customers Pontiac Alloy Cylinder Heads finished - CNC port matched and seats cut for high performance street
Kit car donor pedal assembly modified to dual race cylinder pedal box with adjustable brake bias dummy assembled ready for customer to clean up and paint.
Brennan Motorsport Sway Bar Blades & Accessories
Custom Brake Hats
Custom CNC Machined Bellhousing Adaptors,Extensions & Mid Plates
This Adaptor suits Brennan Motorsport Sequental 5 & 6 Speed Transmission as well as the Hewland 5 Speed with a 6 3/4" Face to Face Length. Use with a 1/2" Mid Plate to gibe a Total of 7 1/4" Set Back
Custom Billet Alloy CNC Machined Engine Plates
Fabricated Transam style 3 Link Differential Housing. We can produce these housings any length, any pickup type.
Alloy Welding Services Available
Custom designed and manufactured aluminium radiators for all applications.
Custom Swirl Tanks Made to order. Any combination of fittings, any length & diameter. One pictured for Transam Corvette.
Power Steer Pump brackets and complete assemblies. Manufactured for any vehicle, engine combination.
NIssan RB 30 Dry sump Oil Pan. We can manufacture oil pans for any engine.
GT, Transam Style CNC Machined Billet AlloyTop A Arms
GT, Transam Style CNC Machined Tie Rod Ends - varying lengths and threads. Common sizes in stock
GT, Transam Style CNC Machined Watts Linkage Pivot, Single, Double, Triple Positions available
GT, Transam Style CNC Machined Watts Linkage Pivot Brackets & Pins - varying lengths bolt holes etc available - common sizes in stock
Transam/GT Lower A Arms available in three lengths and options for mounts and spacings. Fabricated using all components CNC cut and welded on CNC'd Jig. Giving precision not always seen with these types of parts.
Dash For HQ Holden, Made As Direct Replacement
Adaptor From Industrial Engine Flywheel To Driveshaft Running Large Pump
Ford V6 Essex Steel Flywheel - design, draw and machine
We can offer CNC lasercut brackets as well as CNC Machine cut brackets from all material types
Lithium Ion LIPO 4 Battery clamp
Laser Cut Stainless Adjustable Body Mounts ready to be folded
Folded angle Body Mounts
Exhaust Mid Mounts
Tanks for Radiator Overflow and Breathers
Towing Eyes - Wind In - Fabricated Brackets to suit your application
Chassis Brackets pictured to suit GT/Transam - available CNC'd or Laser Cut
Custom Made Stainless Band Clamps - any length. Ideal for holding filters,fuel pumps,breather tanks,overflow bottles,power steer & clutch bottles etc
1970 Mustang floor mount handbrake mechanism so that all original cables can be used along with driveshaft loop to meet regulations.
Our demonstrator car -Holden VT - 410 Alloy SB Chevy - Injected and NOS - Hollinger 6 spd sequential - billet alloy Ford 9 inch. Track test day goes horribly wrong when a rear shock burst 3/4 way thru a turn. Car should have been a right off but we fitted front chassis rails and all new panels from windscreen forward. While apart we strengthened the chassis rails and added gussetting to all important places. Took 2 1/2 weeks to complete,start to finish and retuned.
358 All Alloy SB Chev V8 into Mazda Rx7 Road Race car. Fabricated firewall,tunnel,wheel arches,rollcage,etc. Final coat of paint going on.
Early model Falcon Brembo disc conversion
Brake Hats 3D machined lightening featuring sprung loaded full floating set up
Kart Frame Straigthening Back To Factory Spec - No Job To Difficult
Custom High Performance 2 Pce Driveshaft for C10 Pickup - This shaft was extra long and in a confined space requiring a 2 pce shaft utilizing 1310 UJ's, Thick wall seamless tubing, early style V8 Supercar CV Joint and our billet machined 4140 CV to shaft coupler. We make a wide range of shafts from heavy duty mild steel and Moly Tubing. We use forged steel and billet yokes and can offer quick disconnect couplings.
Small & Large Production Runs Available. We can assist in design. we will then program, supply material and produce your product.
We manufacture custom driveshafts for all applications - Chrome Moly - Mild Steel - Alloy and can supply Carbon fibre.
Short Race Car Driveshaft - Moly Tubing and Ends - 1350 UJ's - Tig Welded
Custom Length Nissan Skyline driveshaft made with CV Joint
1968 Pontiac Firebird Wheel Spacers
Brass Plaque Machined For Customer And Good Friend. - Finishing with a 1 mm endmill
Curtain Sider Bracket Jig
Mild Steel 0ffroad Driveshaft
Refurbishing rim halves - these were dirty, marked and one was badly bent - we cleaned them up and straightened
Customers Mercedes AMG Wheel - was in a pretty bad state from a previous repair - much easier to repair if received before others attempts are made to fix
Maserati BBS Wheel - Damaged and poorly repaired along with curbing damage.
Damaged area cut out to remove all previous repair and cracking - rewelded, spun true and repainted
Balancing 6 cylinder crank assy
Nissan RB30 block - Studs fitted - Line bored and line honed - Crank now spins feely with the exact clearances on all journals
These journals were tight and not straight
Brake Drum and Disc Machining